Saturday, September 19, 2009

' knocks you down...'

I'm so over my head and its crazy. What I want more then anything, and what I think is the right thing to do at the moment are two totally different things and I don't know what to do! If I decide what I really want, nobody, just about none of my friends would support my decision, I know it. But does that make it wrong? They arn't in my shoes, they don't know how I'm feeling. Then of corse I'm only part of the equation. What does he want? Its hard to understand, because he seems to be putting what he thinks is best for me first, but I really don't know if thats best for me arghh everything is just so confusing!
In short, do you follow your heart, or your mind?


Anonymous said...

make sure your heart is being sensible, you need to remember that it's as easy to deceive the heart as it is to deceive the mind. If anyone says differently, they're naive (: though just like the mind, the heart grows and learns and gets more intelligent. I say go with heart. It hurts more otherwise xx

i'll support you no matter what, though i don't know if i'm counted among the friends you mentioned!

Kristin said...

Thanks! My dear, you havn't been a bitch about all this like some of my friends have
Love You xx